ars domestica

by Libbie Soffer

May 1-28, 2011

opening reception May 13, 7-10 pm

Mending Circles:

May 6,9,16,17,18 & 23, Noon-5pm

Mending Circle Soiree

May 20, starting at 5 pm

an evening edition of the Mending Circle to include refreshments with a dialogue led by fiber artist Carolyn Halliday, beginning around 7 pm.

Philadelphia-based artist Libbie Soffer works with metaphors of the home and women’s home-based work. With haunting simplicity, Soffer transforms everyday objects into ‘visual poetry’ to talk about the interior space of the body and the power of childhood memories. By stripping clothing down to skeletal remains, dressing house structures in translucent materials, and inserting hidden, shadowy language, Soffer creates opportunities for the past and present to co-exist.

Opening Next

My Father’s Religion
Carolyn Halliday
June 4-July 12, 2011

Opening Reception June 17, 7-9 pm

Carolyn Halliday is a local artist who knits with uncommon threads to create uncommon meaning. From spools and spools of copper, thousands of stitches were knitted to form a forest.  From June 4 through July 12, that copper forest, My Father’s Religion,  will be at Susan Hensel Gallery.