Claire Siepser: Reader’s Art 12: Longing For Home

2023-06-08T01:25:46-04:00Exhibition, News, Artists|

Claire Siepser: Reader's Art 12: Longing For Home Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home Claire SiepserChoices : This artist’s book is a personal exploration of reproductive choice. With the numerous and intense political messages and brash facts and figures, sometimes it becomes difficult to see the intensely personal nature of the choices we make about our bodies. Despite all the political rhetoric, it remains taboo to speak about reproduction in most circles. This book acts as a place of calm reflection about the choices I have made and why I feel strongly about women's rights. I have deep convictions regarding my own body but, despite these convictions, this issue makes each of us deeply vulnerable. I decided that I should create a piece that made me deeply vulnerable and shared my difficult trek towards being positive about my reproductive life. I wanted to share my vulnerability with the world in the hopes that it might speak to other individuals trying to make their way in the world. Reader's Art 12: Longing for HomeMarch 16- April 26, 2012 About Susan Hensel Gallery – Contemporary Art by Susan Hensel Opened September 10th, 2004 Susan Hensel Gallery was a gallery/ workspace presenting [...]

Elizabeth Schendel: Reader’s Art 12 Longing For Home

2023-06-08T01:25:52-04:00Exhibition, Artists, Art|

Elizabeth Schendel: Reader’s Art 12 Longing For Home Artist Elizabeth Schendel Elizabeth Schendel- I have always enjoyed looking through my family’s collection of photographs and listening to the stories that have been passed down and told over and over again, and I recently realized that my family’s stories are significant to me not just for what I can learn about the past, but also for the new perspective that I can take on the present. […]

Vida Sacic: Reader’s Art 12 Longing For Home

2023-06-08T01:25:59-04:00Exhibition, News, Art|

Vida Sacic: Reader's Art 12 Longing For Home Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home Vida Sacic Cityscapes project - hand-bound letterpress printed book (4 colors / 64 pages /50 copies produced) produced during an artist residency at the Center for Book and Paper Arts Columbia College Chicago   The printed book serves as one of two parts of the project. The second is an interactive app that can be viewed on a personal iPad. In both iterations of the books. The same content is used but presented in a way that takes advantage of the medium. Thematically, in this collection of over 40 illustrations of imaginary landscapes, themes of materiality are explored through images of cities. Whose landscapes juxtapose buildings from varied time periods and geographic areas. The landscapes mostly combine sights from Chicago, where I currently live, with images from my hometown in Croatia. In such spaces, realities collide and coexist furthering a notion of vague familiarity mixed with displacement that mirrors the 21st-century experience. I believe that this book is well suited to the theme “longing for home” because of its strong personal subtext. That alludes to our tendencies to carry our past with us and [...]

Amy Pirkle and Bill Hall

2023-06-08T01:26:06-04:00Exhibition, Articles, News|

Amy Pirkle and Bill Hall Reader's Art 12: Longing for Home Artist Statements Bill Hall: Before this book project, it had been many years since my artwork dealt with realistic imagery. My abstract prints and drawings explored concepts of time and chance among other issues, usually in a geometric format. However, I often thought of producing a series of prints using the processes of my favorite medium, aquatint etching, with the subtle light qualities it affords. When Amy and I began collaborating on Close To Home, the Hudson River was the obvious and natural choice for the subject matter. Observing the river during my daily commute from Ossining to New York became an infatuation. The train runs parallel to the river so the view is unobstructed and dramatic. Sky and water sandwich a strip of land, unchanging but never the same. Making the plates for these prints, I wanted to give the viewer a sense of time and place without being illustrative, so photographs were referenced for landforms while sky and water were my own inventions. This way, I could show the majestic changes that are so compelling. In the end, I understood how an artist could take one [...]

ars domestica-remains of the day

2023-06-08T01:57:07-04:00Articles, Embroidery Art, News, Art|

ars domestica-remains of the day Quotidian objects Skeletal remains the remains of the day at the office Libbie Soffer's artwork, in this rugged economy, expresses the stress and the strain of families trying to feed and clothe... ars domestica by Libbie Soffer   May6-28 opening reception May 13, 7-10pm   Mending Circles: May 6,9,16,17,18 & 23, noon-5   Mending Circle Soiree: May 20, starting at 5 pm. A dialogue led by fiber artist Carolyn Halliday will begin around 7 pm. Susan Hensel Gallery The focus of Susan Hensel Gallery is on compelling objects, meaningful use of materials, and engaging sculpture. It is a gallery where experimental ideas and works of the hand join to create unique sensory experiences. Opened September 10th, 2004 Susan Hensel Gallery is a gallery/ workspace presenting 5-6 shows per year in an intimate space. with hardwood floors and high tin ceilings. In 2013 the interior space reverted to a working studio for Susan Hensel where she continues to work on small and largescale artwork that engages. Both sculptural and cultural space. You can find her current work at The Susan Hensel Gallery is now a large window gallery on Cedar Avenue. The main thoroughfare in [...]

Reader’s Art is ready to be seen!

2023-06-08T01:57:13-04:00Articles, News, Art|

Reader's Art is ready to be seen! t is always exciting! The work is hung, the labels are attached, the lights are balanced! It's another opening! Another show! Sing, everybody! Sing! All that's left to do is a little housecleaning! Reader's Art eleven opens Friday, March 4, 7pm! Susan Hensel Gallery he focus of Susan Hensel Gallery is on compelling objects, meaningful use of materials, and engaging sculpture. It is a gallery where experimental ideas and works of the hand join to create unique sensory experiences. Opened September 10th, 2004 Susan Hensel Gallery is a gallery/ workspace presenting 5-6 shows per year in an intimate space, with hardwood floors and high tin ceilings. In 2013 the interior space reverted to a working studio for Susan Hensel where she continues to work on small and largescale artwork that engages both sculptural and cultural space. You can find her current work at The Susan Hensel Gallery is now both a large window gallery on Cedar Avenue, a main thoroughfare in south Minneapolis, and an online venture represented on

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